How could potassium possibly be a chemical mediator of pain? When we look at the sodium/potassium pumps we find 80000…
How could potassium possibly be a chemical mediator of pain? When we look at the sodium/potassium pumps we find 80000 to 30 million pumps per cell, pumping 1500 to 5000 times per minute, per cell, multiplied by over a trillion cells … what could possibly go wrong?
Run Time: 25m
Re-introducing the serotonin story. With the help of the “immune system team” and a collection of random bits of research,…
Re-introducing the serotonin story. With the help of the “immune system team” and a collection of random bits of research, we start to prove up our original premise that allows us to make firm linkages to the classic symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic pain.
Run Time: 25m
Our primary goal for the first two chapters was to link the board. In this lecture, we use all the…
Our primary goal for the first two chapters was to link the board. In this lecture, we use all the puzzle pieces uncovered from examining our lifestyle base, our fine mitochondrial base and the eight chemical mediators of pain to draw direct links to the individual symptoms of fibromyalgia and chronic pain.
Run Time: 47m
In this lecture we focus on key words and concepts. Through focal repetition, we begin to develop your neurological pathways.…
In this lecture we focus on key words and concepts. Through focal repetition, we begin to develop your neurological pathways. Our goal is to give you fluid intellectual access to tools that will allow you to start working your way through virtually any health care issue or problem.
Run Time: 50m
A comprehensive review of chapters one and two. Revisiting our conscious perception of pain, our broad and fine bases in…
A comprehensive review of chapters one and two. Revisiting our conscious perception of pain, our broad and fine bases in relation to our lifestyle choices, our infatuation with specialization and our examination of the eight chemical mediators of pain. And finally, we tie it all together to link the board.
Run Time: 1h5m