Frequently Asked Questions

How do the different memberships work?
The One Month Pass is for 30 days. It will give you full access to all available lecture material, including the interactive forum, however it does not allow access to the Continuing Education section.  It is $50* and it will not auto-renew.

The Three Month Pass will give you full access to all available lecture material as well as access to the forum, however, it will not allow access to the Continuing Education section. It is $150* and it will not renew.

The Yearly Pass will expire one year from your date of purchase. It is $500* and it will not auto-renew. This is the option you should choose if you are joining for the purpose of receiving continuing education credits as it will allow you access to the Continuing Education link as well as full access to all available material/lectures and full access to the forum. This is also a great option if you don’t want a monthly bill. Please note that the Monthly Pass does not give you access to the CE Link.

* (plus applicable taxes)

Do you offer corporate memberships?
Absolutely!  If you’d like to purchase a corporate/team membership, simply send us a request at [email protected].  We’ll be in touch to request some additional information and then we’ll get you and your team set up online.

If you would like further information regarding our corporate memberships and why you should integrate the program into your Company’s health and wellness platform, please go to www.chronicpainsimplified.com/about/corporate-health-and-wellness. At the bottom of that page, there are two short videos which provide a more detailed explanation of the program.  If you’d like to skip straight to the videos, we’ve placed them here as well … a one minute introduction and a more in depth explanation.

Continuing Education
Which membership should I choose for access to the Continuing Education link?
In order to access the CE link, you must have an active Yearly Pass. Once you’ve logged in, you’ll see the CE link in the top menu bar under Lectures.

How does the Continuing Education link work?
Once you’ve logged in to your account, click on “Continuing Education” in the menu bar at the top of the homepage. The course is divided into three-chapter modules. Each module has a 20-30 question quiz. Once you’ve finished the module, navigate to the CE section and click on the corresponding quiz. Answer the questions and if you receive a score of 75% or over, you will be directed to view your quiz results and print a Certificate of Completion. The Certificate will include your name, date, module completed and number of CEU’s acquired. You may take the quiz as many times as required.

How many Continuing Education Units/Credits will I receive?
Each professional association has different rules which govern the criteria required for continuing education. As an example, the Massage Therapy Association of NS requires 2 hours of education for 1 CEU so Module One: Chapters 1-3, has been approved for 20 CEU’s.

Currently both Module’s One and Two have been approved for 20 Primary CEU’s by MTANS, MTWPAM, CMTNL, PEIMTA, CMTNB and MTAM. MTAA & MTAS have approved each Module for 40 Primary Credits. And NHPC has approved each Module for 5 Primary Credits. As more associations come on board, we’ll be adding them to a list in the About/Continuing Education section.

When will Module Two: Chapters 4-6 be available?
Module Two, Chapters 4-6 is now available and online! With each Module, we will be requesting CEU approval from the provincial massage therapy associations and we’ll let you know as soon as that happens. If you sign up for Module One, right now, you’ll receive Module Two at no additional cost!  That’s right! No additional cost!  If your CE cycle ends in 2024 you can benefit by earning CEU’s in 2024 and again in 2025. 

Can my professional association be added to the list?
We’d be happy to send your association our information package with an approval request for continuing education units/credits. Simply send us an email at [email protected] with CEU’s as the subject. We need the name of your association and a contact, if possible.

General Account Questions
Are the videos lectures viewable in 1080HD?
Yes, all of our videos are recorded, uploaded and viewable in 1080HD. They are set to automatically play at the highest quality your system can handle, depending on your internet connection. However, if you’d like to adjust the viewing quality, simply click on HD on the control menu at the bottom of the video, then select your preference. We hope this doesn’t happen often, but periodically, the videos may pause for a few seconds in order to fully buffer.

Why are the videos pausing and buffering?
The videos are recorded in 1080HD and the player automatically selects the highest quality playback your internet connection can handle. Oftentimes local internet connections fluctuate and the player switches playback resolution to accommodate this fluctuation. However, if you find the pausing/buffering happening often, we recommend clicking on the HD selector in the control menu at the bottom of the video, and manually selecting a lower resolution.

How do I know if my account is active?
Log in to your account. In your Account Dashboard, click on memberships/orders on the right-hand side. Your status should be – Active.

What if I decide to cancel my account?
If you choose to cancel your account, we will be sorry to see you go. Nevertheless, simply log in to your account, go to your Account Dashboard and click cancel.

Please note, however, and this is important – your cancellation of a monthly or yearly pass will be effective immediately and you will no longer have access to the lectures or the forum.

For members with a One or Three Month Pass, your membership will automatically expire one or three months from your purchase date. The Monthly Passes do not auto-renew.

For members with a Yearly Pass, your membership will automatically expire one year from your date of purchase. The Yearly Pass does not auto-renew.

I’ve canceled my account but I want to rejoin! Will my username and password still work?
Absolutely! If you decide to rejoin us, simply log in with your existing account information and click on Join to re-subscribe. Welcome back!

Are memberships or products refundable?
Sorry, they are not refundable. The graphics are downloadable digital images and will be available on your account after purchase, whether you have an active membership or not. You may cancel your membership at any time but you will not be refunded for charges already processed.

Why do I keep getting sent to the “Join” page when I try and see the lectures?
You must have an active membership and be signed into your account in order to view the lectures. The two introductory videos on the home page are free for everyone to watch and we hope you’ll join us for the complete course!

Why can’t I see or enter the forum?
You must have an active membership and be signed into your account in order to enter and participate in the forum. Once you’re signed in, you’ll see the forum on the top menu bar between Lectures and Join.

My credit card has expired, how do I update my payment information?
If you’ve joined for a Monthly or Yearly Membership, you’ll receive an email a few days before your membership is due to expire as well as an email on your expiry date. If you would like to renew your membership you can simply sign into your account and click on renew membership which will renew it for the original time frame. Follow the shopping cart directions to process your transaction.

How can I contact Chronic Pain Simplified Inc?
If you require assistance or have a question, please send us an email at [email protected]. We are able to provide a much quicker response via email.

What if I can’t remember my password?
On the Login page, simply click “forgot my password” and an email will be sent to you which will guide you through resetting your password.


If there’s a question we missed, or you require further information, please feel free to contact us by email at [email protected]. Thanks and enjoy the course!


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